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Children: Valentines found in the Bible
Children: Being Different
Children: Advent - Love: Christmas is Jesus's birthday; why do so many celebrate but not come to the party?
Children: Christmas Joy
Children: The Peace of Christ
Children: The Season of Advent
Children: Focused on the donut or the hole?
Children: The Bible for Us - Real stories of real people and a real God!
Children: When we stray
Children: Working Gloves
Children: Walking away from trouble
Children: To be a Prince or Princess
Children: The Price is Right
Children: Exercise - Building your body and your mind.
Children: Being Thankful
Children: Being a Witness
Children: The Rewards of Patience
Children: God doesn't take a vacation.
Children: The Treasure of your Heart
The Colors of Christianity
Children: Teach your Parents
Children: God loves you even when you've made a mistake
Children: To find Peace you have to stop the fight
Children: Memorial Day
Children: Sin is like sugar, God like a toothbrush
Children: Jesus Erases our Sins
Children: Time and Seasons
Children: The 'Golden Rule'
Children: Staying Close to the Sound of your Friends
Children: Jesus was born again on Easter!
Children: Palm Sunday "Hosanna!"
Children: Saint Patrick
Girl Scout Sunday Activities and Updates
Children: True Colors
Children: Sin is like Gravity
Children: Improvising as you go
Children: Being Separate from the World
Children: No need to worry about the future
Children: God's Love
Children: Finding Joy in Jesus
Children: The Prince of Peace
Children: Advent is a kind of Preview
Children: Making Hard Decisions
Children: Thanks and Gratitude
Children: A trumpet and sword for Gideon!
Children: Prayer is like armor
Children: You're like Candy
Children: Jesus can Protect You
Children: Be the Light in the Darkness
Children: Judging by Appearances
Children: Loving your enemy?
Children: Jesus is the Shepherd
Children: The Water of Life
Children: Checkers or Chess? - Two games, One Board
Children: Winning the Race
Children: Be Careful what you wish for
Children: What it means to say one thing but do another
Children: Remembering our Independence
Children: Seasons of Prayer - When its a good time to pray
Children: Fathers are Important
Children: Junk Food
Children: What kind of fruit are you?
Children: The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Children: Being fishers of People
Children: Be gentle with your mothers
Children: Being Left Out
Children: Being Born Again
Children: Jesus in our Hearts
What Easter is, and isn't.
Children: Symbols: The Last Supper
Children: Attracted to Jesus
Children: Jesus taught us to Pray
Children: What are Girl Scouts?
Children: Jesus welcomes the uninvited
Children: Jesus is the Vine
Children: Stonger together
Children: Jesus's valentine to us: the Bible
Children: Humility
Children: Truth
Children: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Children: God's Love
Children: Joy in our LIves
Children: Advent
Children: Being Thankful
Children: What's good for Us
Children: Living and dying in Jesus
Children: Parts of the Body
Children: Happy Meals
Children: Keeping your eye on the ball
Children: Jesus cures the blind
Children: When Jesus was Amazed
Children: Disobedient Jonah
Children: Humility
Children: Wise Old Solomon
David and Goliath
Children: Daniel & the lion's den
Children: Three men in a Furnace - The faith of Sadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Children: Clean inside and out
Children: Freedom has a price
Children: The trust of Abraham
Children: Your Fathers
Children: Something Special
Children: The Holy Spirit - The air in our balloons
Children: Memorial Day
Children: When "hate" is loving less
Children: Mother's Day
Children: When someone 'gives' you a sin
Children: When bad things happen...
Children: Easter: What's in the eggs?
Children: Celebrate!
Children: Temptation
Children: Nothing before or after Jesus
Children: Transfiguration
Children: Lent- 40 days to remember Jesus
Children: The Parable of the Sower
Children: Fed with Milk
Children: Valentine's Love
Children: Obedience
Children: Jesus as a child
John the Baptist
Children: 3 Wise Men
Children: Advent - Love
Children - Advent: Peace
Children: Advent - Hope
Children: Thanksgiving
Children: Getting stronger by staying with it
Children: Johnny Appleseed
Children: All Saints
Children: Remember Me
Children - Bible Stories
Children: Pop Quiz - testing your knowledge of the Bible
Children: Avoiding favoritism
Children: Lost and Found
Children: Being ignored by friends and family
Children: Seeing but not understanding
Jesus is The Bread of Life
Don't get even, get ahead!
Hitting the 'snooze button' on God?
To be as one
Someone to be proud of
Trivia vs Triumph (July 11, 2021)
Sheep and Goats
Memorial Day
Children's Moment: Workers in the Vineyard
Mother's Day
Children's moment: Finding a lost lamb
Children's Moment: Earth Day
Children's Moment: Native American Sunday
April 4, 2021: Easter
March 28, 2021 Palm Sunday
Christ's Prayer for us
How the book The Cat in the Hat describes living in the world, but not FOR the world!
February 28, 2021 - The 'game' of Life
February 21, 2021- Explaining Lent
Transfiguration - Jesus reveals his inner nature
February 7, 2021 - Thankful versus GRATEFUL!
Five Kernels of Corn with Miss Stacey Nov 22, 2020
Candy Corn Gospel with Miss Stacey Oct 24, 2020
The Beatitudes with Miss Liz Oct 18, 2020
The Bread of Life with Miss Jess! Oct 11, 2020
Miss Stacey has heart! Sept 27, 2020
NLUMC kids GO! Sept 20, 2020
Memory Verse with Miss Bonnie! Sept 20, 2020
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